Thursday, December 4, 2014

Moving forward

Hey guys,

Well I've made a decision today, I'm not looking back anymore.

A lot of stuff has happened to me in my personal life since I came to China, some painful and some were wonderful, and they have changed me in ways I can't even articulate yet.

So I'm going to start afresh and while it means I won't post as often as I wanted to, I am only going to do this when something worth talking about happens.

In the last few weeks I've been teaching (obviously) and learning more about what it takes to be a good teacher, I am now doing extra work on my Mondays off at a primary school. It is so different to my classes at Giraffe and I love it! I've been singing live at a bar with a new friend Conroux and met some amazing people besides - Michelle, Arista, Daneel and Danelle, Mike, and a host of others! I've been to KTV's, clubs, onto the wall of the city and to new restaurants.

I've fallen unashamedly in love and been filled again with a longing to travel and see new things.

It's almost that time of year and I have been asked to host our year end awards with Laya. It will be a pleasure to host with her again but this means we have already started working on our script and we need to go look for clothing to fit me again lol.

If there is anything you guys would like to know about this part of China or my work here then please let me know and I'll do my best to answer it.

In the meantime, enjoy your life one day at a time and never stop dreaming!